
بروفسور / محجوب الصديق محمداحمد يكتب منظمة اساتذة الجامعات السودانية ( ماجسو ) سياحة حول عمل المنظمات الطوعية {٣}

متابعات الجاسر نت

organizations funding can come from various sources. Here are some options:

Government Funding
– National Lotteries Commission: Provides funding for various causes, including charity, health, education, and environmental projects
– National Lottery Good Causes: Funds projects in the arts, sport, heritage, charity, voluntary, health, education, and environmental sectors ².

Non-Governmental Funding
– The National Lottery Heritage Fund: Supports projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional, and local heritage of the UK .
– Start Network: A global network of NGOs, providing funding for humanitarian responses and localization initiatives .

Grants and Awards
– National Lottery Awards for All: Offers funding from £300 to £20,000 for community projects in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland .
– Reaching Communitie: Provides flexible funding over £10,000 for up to five years to organizations in England

Sector-Specific Funding
– Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants: Supports arts, museums, and libraries projects in England .
– Screen Scotland (Creative Scotland): Offers various funds for film and screen-related projects in Scotland.

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